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पाकिस्तानको सेमिफाइनल सम्भावना कायमै

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, March 30, 2014 | Posted in ,

१६ चैत, काठमाडौं । ट्वान्टी-ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा पाकिस्तानले सेमिफाइनल प्रवेशको सम्भावना कायमै राखेको छ । आइतबार भएको सुपर टेनको तेस्रो खेलमा घरेलु टोली बंगलादेशलाई ५० रनले पराजित गरेको छ ।

समूह बीबाट भारत अन्तिम खेल अघि नै सेमिफाइनल प्रवेश गरेको छ । वेष्टइण्डिज ४ अंकका साथ दोस्रो स्थानमा छ भने समान अंक जोडेको पाकिस्तान रन रेटका आधारमा तेस्रो स्थानमा छ । समूह चरणको अन्तिम खेलमा पाकिस्तान र वेष्टइण्डिज एकआपसमा भिड्ने छन् । लगातार दुई हार व्यहोरेका अष्ट्रेलिया र बंगलादेश बाहिरिएका छन् ।

मिरपुरमा पहिले व्याटिङ गरेको पाकिस्तानले अहमद शहजादको शतकको मदतमा निर्धारित २० ओभरमा ५ विकेटको क्षतिमा १ सय ९० रन बनायो । ६२ बलको सामना गरेका शहजाद १० चौका र पाँच छक्काको मदतमा १ सय ११ रनमा अविजित रहे । उनी म्यान अफ दि म्याच बने । शोएब मल्लिकले २५ रन बनाए भने शाहिद अफि्रदीले ९ बलमा २२ रन जोडे ।

जवाफमा बंगलादेश २० ओभरमा ७ विकेटको क्षतिमा १ सय ४० रनमा समेटियो । उसका लागि सकिव अल हसनले ३८ रन जोडे पनि टोलीको हार टार्न सकेनन् ।

पाकिस्तानका उमर गुलले ३० रन दिएर ३ विकेट लिए भने सइद अजमलले २ विकेट लिए ।

सारी विकिनीमा पुग्यो, पैसा बढेन : कट्रिना कैफ

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बलिउड नायिका कट्रिना कैफको यस्तो भनाइले सबैलाई अचम्ममा पार्न सक्छ । तर ‘वुम’ सिनेमामा विकिनी लगाएर बलिउड करिअर सुरु गरेकी नायिका कैफले यस्तै गुनासो गरेकी छिन् ।

बलिउडमा प्रवेश गरेको १० बर्षमै कैफको चर्चा शिखरमा पुगेको छ । बलिउडमा यतिबेला नायिका कट्रिना सिनेमाहरुले बक्स अफिसमा कमाल मच्चाएका छन् । कट्रिनाले भनिन्, ‘सारी लगाउने बलिउडको परम्परा विकिनीमा आइपुगेको छ, तर हिरोइनको पारिश्रमिक जस्ताको तस्तै छ ।’

प्रियंका चोपडाको ‘फेशन’, विद्या बालनको ‘कहानी’, कंगना रनोटको ‘क्विन’ हिरोइन केन्द्रित सिनेमा हुन् । बक्स अफिसमा यि सिनेमाहरुले कमाल मच्चाएका थिए । तर नायिकाहरुको स्टारपावर चलेपनि पारिश्रमिक नबढेको बिषयमा कैफले दुःख लागेको बताइन् ।

कट्रिना आज बलिउडको सबैभन्दा आकर्षक नायिका हुन् । उनको ब्रान्ड भ्यालू र पारिश्रमिक उच्च छ । तर पनि उनी हिरोइनको काम अुनसार पारिश्रमिक नभएको गुनासो गरिरहेकी छिन् ।

सुव्रिनाको हट अवतारले ‘झेली’ गर्ला ?

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सिनेमाको भिडन्तले निर्माताहरुलाई आक्रान्त बनाएको छ । तर आजबाट प्रदर्शनमा आएको चलचित्र ‘झेली’को हकमा भने यो कुरा खासै लागू नहुने देखिएको छ । उसो त आजबाट ‘अकाल’ र भोजपुरी भाषामा बनेको चलचित्रलाई नेपालीमा डबिङ गरी प्रदर्शनमा ल्याइएको ‘सुटर’ पनि हलमा लागेको छ ।

तर ‘झेली’को प्रचारका अघि दुबै सिनेमा कमजोर देखिएका छन् । भेषमान श्रेष्ठको निर्माणमा तयार भएको यो चलचित्रलाई कमल दाहालले निर्देशन गरेका हुन् । चलचित्रमा अनिल थापा, सुव्रिना कार्की, दीपासा वीसी लगायतका कलाकारले अभिनय गरेका छन् ।
चलचित्र ‘झेली’को कथावस्तु उत्कृष्ट बनेकाले पनि दर्शकले मन पराउने विश्वास निर्माणपक्षको छ । ‘अकाल’ र ‘सुटर’को व्यापारले ‘झेली’लाई कुनै असर नगर्ने देखिन्छ ।

‘धुम ४’ मा सलमान खान भिलेन बन्दै

Posted by Unknown | Saturday, March 29, 2014 | Posted in , , , , , , ,

३ वटा सिक्वेल सफल भएसँगै बलिउडको चर्चित फिल्म कम्पनी यशराज ब्यानरले ‘धुम ४’ को तयारी गरेको छ । जोन अब्राहिम, ऋतिक रोशन, आमिर खानको सफलता पश्चात बलिउडका दबंग खान सलमानले धुमको चौथो सिरिजमा काम गर्न लागेका हुन् ।

यशराजले सलमानलाई आजसम्म नदेखिएको अवतारमा प्रस्तुत गर्ने तयारी गरेको हो । सलमान यो सिनेमामा भिलेनको भूमिकामा देखिनेछन् । जसमा उनले खतरनाक स्टन्ट पनि गर्ने जनाइएको छ । नायिका भने सिनेमामा पक्का भैसकेका छैनन् ।

ढिलो आउने र रिसाउने नायिकाको विचमा ‘नागबेली’

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करिब डेढ घन्टा कार्यक्रममा ढिलो आएर उपस्थित अतिथी र पत्रकारहरुलाई कुराउने नायिका हर्षिका श्रेष्ठले गल्ती महुशश गरिनन् । चलचित्र ‘नागबेली’को पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा नायिका श्रेष्ठ डेढ घन्टा ढिलो आइन् । किन र केका लागि उनी ढिलो आइन्, खुल्न सकेन ।

तर सँगै आएका नायक विक्की मल्लले आफू ढिलो उपस्थित भएको भन्दै माफी माग्दै गर्दा हर्षिकाले त्यसको आवश्यकता पनि देखिनन् । चलचित्र पत्रकार संघका अध्यक्ष शान्तिप्रियले पत्रकारलाई अतिथीको रुपमा बोलाएर कलाकार नै ढिलो आउने, कार्यक्रम निर्धारित समयमा सुरु नगर्ने प्रवृत्ती हट्नुपर्ने बताए ।

समिक्षक दिपेन्द्र लामाले चलचित्र ‘नागबेली’को कथा आफूले पेटका लागि लेखेको बताउँदै गर्दा निर्देशक गोविन्द राइले भने देशका लागि सिनेमा बनाएको बताए ।

चलचित्रको प्रदर्शन मिति घोषणा गर्न आयोजित कार्यक्रम निर्धारित समय भन्दा निक्कै ढिलो सुरु भएको थियो । दयाहाङ राई, यशराज, हर्षिका श्रेष्ठ, विक्की मल्ल, सुरवी जैन बिष्ट, संभव श्रेष्ठ लगायतका कलाकारले अभिनय गरेको यो सिनेमा असार २७ गतेबाट प्रदर्शनमा आउने भएको छ । निर्देशक राईसँग सम्बन्ध चिसिएपछि नायिका सुरभी भने प्रचारमा संलग्न छैनन् । चलचित्रले यूवाहरुको राष्ट्रप्रेमलाई बोलेको छ ।

लामो समयदेखि नृत्य निर्देशनमा व्यस्त गोविन्द राइले निर्देशन गरेकाले पनि यो सिनेमा प्रतिक्षामा छ ।

प्रेम टुटेको खबर सेलाउन नपाउँदै रणबीर र कट्रिनाको विहेको चर्चा

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एक पटक फेरि बलिउडका चक्लेटी हिरो रणबीर कपुर र सुन्दर र सेक्सी हिरोइनकट्रिना कैफको विहेको खबरले बलिउड तताएको छ । गसिप बजारलार्इ यो खबरले राम्ररी तताएको छ । दुबैजना सन् २०१५ मा मायाको डोरीलार्इ विहेमा परिणत गर्न तयार भएका हुन् । समाचार अनुसार कट्रिनाले रणबीर विहेका लागि राजी नभएमा छोडिदिने धम्की दिएपछि रणबीरले यो निर्णय लिएका हुन् ।

यो कहानी नयाँ सालको हो । नयाँ वर्ष मनाउन दुबैजना न्यूयोर्क पुगेकाबेला कट्रिनाले रणबीरलार्इ बिहेका लागि तयार नभए छोडिदिने धम्की दिएकी थिइन् । नयाँ वर्ष मनाउने क्रममा क्याटरिनाले रणबीरबाट नयाँ वर्षको उपहारको रूपमा केही कसम र बाचा गर्न भनेकी थिइन् । रणबीरले भने क्याटरिनाले गर्न लाएको बाचा कमस खान इन्कार गरेका थिए । रणबीरले बाचा गर्न नमानेपछि कट्रिना रिसाएर लण्डन गएकी थिइन् भने रणबीर एक्लै भारत फर्केका थिए ।

स्पेनको समुद्री किनारमा रणबीरका साथमा विकीनी लगाएको अवस्थामा भेटिएकी क्याटरिना र रणबीरबी यो घटनापछि ब्रेकअप भएको चर्चा बलिउडमा थियो । यो घटनापछि हुने चलचित्रसम्बन्धी कार्यक्रमहरूमा दुबैजना एक्ला एक्लै सहभागी हुने गरेका थिए । दुबै अलग अलग भेटिन थालेपछि उनीहरूको सम्बन्मा पूर्णविराम लागेको अनुमान धेरैले गरे ।

तर अहिले तीन महिनापछि दुबैबीच विहेको खबरले धेरैलार्इ अचम्मा पारेको छ । अहिले दुबै बलिउडस्टारका फ्यान अलमलमा छन्, विहेको खबर पत्याउने कि ब्रेकअको खबर पत्याउने । ‘यदि बिहे नै गर्ने भए तीन महिनायता दुबै अलग रहेको नाटक किन गर्नुपरेको ?’ उनीहरूका फ्यानको भनार्इ छ ।

तर पनि दुबैको विहेको खबरले उनीहरूलार्इ चाहने फ्यानहरूलार्इ भने खुसी बनाएको छ । तथापि अहिले दुबै फिल्मीस्टार र उनका साथी तथा परिवारले यो खबरको पुष्टि भने गरेका छैनन् ।

सिटीले आर्सनलसँग अंक बाँड्यो

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 म्यानचेष्टर सिटीले इंग्लिस प्रिमियर लिग फुटबलको शीर्ष स्थानमा उक्लने मौका गुमाएको छ । लिग लिडर चेल्सी क्रिष्टल प्यालेससँग १–० ले पराजित भएको केही घण्टापछि सिटी आर्सनलसँग भिडेको थियो ।

तर, आर्सनलसँग १–१ को बराबरीमा रोकिएपछि सिटीले शीर्ष स्थानमा उक्लने मौका गुमाएको छ । चेल्सीको ३२ खेलबाट ६९ अंक छ भने दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेको लिभरपुलको ३१ खेलबाट ६८ र सिटीको ३० खेलबाट ६७ अंक भएको छ । आर्सनल ३२ खेलबाट ६४ अंकका साथ चौथो स्थानमा छ ।

आर्सनलको घरेलु मैदान इमिरेट्स स्टेडियममा भएको खेलमा सिटीले १४ औं मिनेटमा डेभिड सिल्भाको गोलबाट अग्रता लिएको थियो । तर, ५३ औं मिनेटमा फ्लामिनीले आर्सनलका लागि बराबरी गोल फर्काए ।

डाक्टरले नमानेपछि बिरामीले घरमै बञ्चरोले काटे हात

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मोटसाइलक दुर्घटनामा परेर घाइते भएको हातले १६ बर्षदेखि दुःख दिइरहेको थियो बेलायतका ४४ बर्षिय मार्क गोडर्डलाई ।

बायाँ हातमा लागेका घाउ १६ बर्षसम्म निको बनाउन नकसेपछि उनी बिरक्त थिए । हात काटन उनले डाक्टरलाई आग्रह पनि गरेका थिए, तर डाक्टरले काट्नु नपर्ने भन्दै अस्वीकार गरिदिए ।

तर, उनले आफ्नो पीडालाई यसै बिर्सनेवाला थिएनन् । त्यसका लागि उनले घरेलु उपाय अपनाए । उनले घरमै इलेक्ट्रीक बञ्चरो बनाए र आफ्नो बायाँ हातलाई त्यहाँ राखेर काटिदिए ।

घरमा कोही नभएका बेला उनले यस्तो हर्कत गरेका थिए । १० मिनेटपछि आएकी श्रीमती आत्तिदै आकस्किम नम्बरमा फोन गरेर सहायता मागिन् । तर, प्रहरी र चिकित्सकको टोली आइपुग्दासम्म उनको काटिएको हात मरिसकेको थियो ।

तर, मार्कले यसका लागि पुरै तयारी गरेका थिए । उनले हात काटदा नदुखोस् भनेर ४४ वटा पेन किलर खाएका थिए ।

‘पीडा अन्त्य गर्न यो चरम अवस्थामा जानु पर्ने थिएन । विकल्पहरु थिए । तर, अस्पतालमा कसैले मलाई सहयोग गरेनन् ।’ उनले गुनासो गरे ।

डाक्टरसित आक्रोशित मार्कले उनीहरुलाई देखाउनकै लागि भएपनि आफैले अप्रेसन गरेको बताए । ‘उनीहरुले मेरो हात अप्रेसन गर्न सकिन्न भने, तर मैले घरमै अप्रेसन गरेर त्यो पिडाबाट मुक्ति पाएँ ।’ उनले भने । यो घटनामा उनले दुई पिन्ट रगत गुमाएका छन् ।

The Top E-commerce Sites in Nepal

Posted by Unknown | Friday, March 28, 2014 | Posted in

Want to buy a new cloth, a book, a mobile phone or even order your lunch online from your home. Yes, it is possible in Nepal and there are a lot of companies offering these services. Though problems like lack of proper payment gateway, transportation and internet reliability are existent in Nepal, many innovators have developed some innovative e-commerce services in Nepal.

We have made a list of some e-commerce sites in Nepal. Most of them are used primarily by Nepalis living aboard who wish to send gifts to Nepal.
Traditional e-commerce sites: Muncha is probably the most popular e-commerce site in Nepal. It is popular among non-residential Nepalis to send gifts to any part of Nepal. The site is popular for buying birthday cakes, flowers, gifts, toys as well as electronic items. You can pay via. E-banking, credit card or even cash-on delivery. Launched by Kantipur Publications, Yeskantipur aims to provide everything to your doorstep. A wide variety of items including books, electronic items, home appliances, food and beverages are available from different vendors. The services are available only inside Kathmandu valley with cash-on-delivery or e-banking. There is no delivery charge for items inside ring road. Special discounts are announced on the site in regular interval. Rojeko has a wide variety of items for those willing to buy products inside Nepal or those willing to send gifts to Nepal. Rojeko is mostly focused on electronic items. Payment can be done via. Paypal, credit cards, e-sewa or cash-on-delivery. There is always a crazy offer with heavy discount for a product. The popular departmental store, Bhatbhateni has its own e-commerce site. Different types of items available on departmental store are also available on its online portal. Payment can be done via. Paypal, e-banking or credit card.
Some innovative e-commerce products:

Apart from traditional e-commerce sites, some entrepreneurs have implemented revolutionary ideas in Nepali market. With features of viewing and ordering products online, these services have their specialties which make them different from other sites. Here are a few innovative ideas implement in Nepal:
: Harilo allows people in Nepal to buy good from US retails and pay from Nepal. You can simply oder products from any US-based websites like Amazon and get them delivered to you in Nepal via. Harilo. In other words, you get the same services as US citizen. You can pay via. E-banking, Paypal and a lot of other options which also includes writing a check to Harilo. Recently launched by a group of young enterpreneurs, Metrotarkari is a unique product in Nepal which delivers vegetables at your doorstep. With an ambition of reducing the gap between farmers and customers, the site allows users to select vegetables, fruits or meat online and get them delivered at the doorstep with cash-on-delivery facility. Foodmandu is another unique service, which delivers food from different restaurants in Kathmandu and Lalitpur to your doorstep. It has a list of 75 different restaurants in valley and their menus from which you order any items of your choice. The items get delivered within an hour and payment can be cash-on-delivery.
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Story of – An online T-shirt Store in Nepal [Startup story]

Posted by Unknown | | Posted in is an online t-shirt brand – a venture of WhiteSpace Pvt Ltd which officially started as a company on 31st December 2012. After operating via. a Facebook Page for about 6 months, the team is officially launching their website on 15th June, 2013. Aashish Acharya – the Managing Director of shares the story about his startup and initial challenges: How the group was formed?
People behind team are Aashish Acharya, Aayush Shrestha and Sabin Bhandari. We are computer engineering students and have been working as a team ever since we came to IoE Pulchowk Campus in 2010..

The idea
The whole idea of an online t-shirt store was not ‘at first hit’ thing. Originally we wanted to do a web comic series while we were first year students at IoE Pulchowk campus. It took us 3 whole years until the idea of designing was pitched and finally the team decided to test our designs on t-shirts. There were some cool tee designs available on the web. The designs that people of our age group thought “awesome” and that were available on the web were not available in the market. We wanted those designs on their tees but we could not get them. Like every other guy in town, we wanted to make a bit of cash and some fame. And that was the reason why we thought awesome t-shirt designs could actually sell.

The name of the brand ‘threadpaints’ itself was a result of a sessions of brainstorms. Finally we came alive through Facebook page. We operated informally for nearly six months only through the Facebook page. People loved the way we played with colors and the way we illustrated their concepts. The order has scaled up in last couple of months, they say. We now have a fan base of 2500+ people in our page and everyone is sending feedbacks/suggestions on our works. We are confident that their reach will increase exponentially 6 months down the road.

How is it different from other stores?
We are not putting up our efforts in being a different store. We come from a class of so called “young and energetic” group of people who thoughts are just a bit titled away. We materialize what people of our age groups think. When thoughts match, the attraction is just obvious.

The approach that we use to bring our product to our audience is could be a different one. With threadpaints, now people can have the “amazon-style” shopping experience. We thrive for quality in our products, people can simply make choices based on the designs.

Initial Challenges:
When we finally agreed on name of the brand and made a commitment of sticking to the plan, all that was left was to hit the market with their products. Apparently that was the only thing that mattered, apart from having a “world changing” idea. We did not know anything about the garments and the fabrics. All we knew was we had designs and we needed them to be on t-shirts. The market was ruthless. People in this sector were so engaged in the traditional shopping and no one even had time to listen to what we had to say. So we decided to make garments on our own. We collected our pocket money and with a fund of around NRs. 10000, we purchased our first lot of cloth. As was obvious, the first lot was the worst of all. The quality was an average one and after a few more bulk purchases, we knew, the suppliers of our first lot of garments had made out more than 200% profit from us. One thing that was all along with us from the very beginning was, our friends circle. The people who bought our first designs sent us words of encouragement and appreciated our designs. The made sure we stayed with the original plan of printing designed t-shirts and it is because of those people that we are what we are now. Our friends, family and our fans continue to support us. We work nights just to make our products up to them.
The reaction so far:
Initially the sales was less than 10 pcs per week which has scaled up to more than 300 pcs per month (ref the latest month). Orders are mainly from people of age group 17-32, from students and job holders, parents and musical groups. We have a total of more than 15 designs and more on the way.

Our expectations:
Well a bit of fame and pocket full of cash, like every other guy in town. Apart from that, we want to bring out garments with better designs on them at a reasonable price. Technically, we expect to have a crowd sourced designing and earning platform that is accessible to everyone. In course of operating informally for about 6 months one important lesson that we learnt was we could make an impact at a higher level. Our designs of “Give me my freedom back” represented the voice of people when the government imposed the need to cut hair for social security and harmony. That very design reached out to more than 48000 people in just 3 days. We got overwhelming support on our “Nepal Bandh” design. It was the satire to the unstable political situation and administrative turmoil that prevails in our country. We knew threadpaints could be a social awareness generating medium that is humblest in all possible ways and yet the most powerful of all, that can actually cause change!

What are we trying to achieve?
We are a developing nation. We are always around problems that need to be fixed and issues that need to be addressed. Usually the governments are weak or too busy to think about everything. In such a circumstance, an educated and well learned crowd can work for a change like nothing else. We aim to provide a platform to present the current and critical issues of our society through artistic designs on the garments. People can present their dissatisfaction, in the most non-violent way possible, through the designs of their tees and jumpers. We believe our designs will address the issues that are local and common in our context. This way, people will not be making noise and yet their voice will be so loud that everyone will hear to what they have got to say. Plus people will have the designs of their choice on their tees and jumpers.

Future Plans:
We believe this is an unorthodox approach to deal with the social issues. Instead of turning into violent mob, people will be consciously and genuinely thinking of making a greater impact of the small designs they do. We aim to build a complete web based system this purpose. People can get into our portal and choose the design they like on their tee or jumpers. We will make our designs available across the country, in the towns, cities and in the villages to. All in all, we want to redefine the way people interact with the ICTs in their day to day lives.

Suggestions to new startups in Nepal:
Today, the scenario is every other guy will have his idea that could change the world. The time is such that just having an idea is not enough. What truly matters is what we do next in the quest to making our idea come true. A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. These companies, generally newly created, are in a phase of development and research for markets. Startups are emerging everywhere. Nepali IT market is full of startups. A bunch of people sharing same passion about a particular technology in the sector of ICT often end up being a part of their own little startup. Some of these startups work on other’s product while other develop their own. But what generally happens is people do a start-up with an idea. And 6 years down the road, all they end up with is a small room for office and the ongoing hunting of new ideas. It is not that startup always succeed in a short time. In fact 90% of startup fails in the very first year. One should have a start up with a view in mind that they need to go big soon, growth is not a choice but the ultimate fate of any startup company. If we fail to be dynamic, we fail as a startup. Every cloud has a silver lining and we bet yours too has one. All you need to do is find it. Startup is fun and aspiring, we did one and you should too. Happy startup-ing!

काठमाडौबाट झापा जाँदै गरेको बस दुर्घटना,एकको मृत्यु, सोह्र घाइते

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पूर्वपश्चिम राजमार्गअन्तर्गत सप्तरीको कल्याणपुर–६ स्थित सडकखण्डमा आज बिहान सवारी दुर्घटनामा एकजनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने १६ जना घाइते भएका छन्।

घाइतेमध्ये छजना यात्रुको अवस्था गम्भीर छ। काठमाडौबाट काँकडभिट्टातर्फ जाँदै गएको ना.४ख ३७८८ नम्बरको यात्रुवाहक बसले सडकमै रोकिराखेको ना.२ख ९६०९ नम्बरको मालवाहक ट्रकलाई उछिन्ने क्रममा सो दुर्घटना भएको हो।
दुर्घटनामा परी बसमा सवार भारतको जलपाईगुरी निवासी २६ वर्षीया रश्मी गुरुङको मृत्यु भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ।

 दुर्घटनामा परी गम्भीर घाइते भएकी गुरुङको सप्तरीको नकटी रायपुरस्थित युनिक अस्पतालमा उपचारका लागि लैजाँदै गर्दा मृत्यु भएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनाएको छ।

 घाइते भएका सातको लहानस्थित अस्पतालमा, सातको धरानस्थित बिपी कोइराला स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान प्रतिष्ठानमा तथा दुईजना युनिक अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको जिप्रकाका प्रहरी नायब उपरीक्षक राजकुमार बैदवारले जानकारी दिनुभयो।

 दुर्घटनाग्रस्त बस र ट्रकलाई आवश्यक कारबाहीका लागि इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय कल्याणपुरमा राखिएको छ। रासस

छोरीको निधनमा बरर्र खसे प्रचण्डका आँसु

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 जेठी छोरी ज्ञानु केसीको बिहीबार निधन भएपछि दिउँसो आर्यघाटमा एमाओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल भावुक भेटिए।

पशुपति प्राङ्गणमा उनकी छोरीको मृत शरीर पार्टीको झण्डा ओढाएर राखिएको थियो।

ज्ञानुका दुई छोरी ‘नजानू न ममी’ भन्दै अनवरत रोइरहेको दृश्यले आर्यघाट आएका सर्वसाधारणको आँखा पनि रसाएका थिए। छोरीको लास राखिएको छेउको पाटीमा दाहाल नातिनीहरुको आर्तनाद सुन्दै आँखाभरि आँसु बनाइरहेका थिए। दाहालका वरिपरि उनका श्रीमती, छोरीज्वाइँहरु र आफन्तहरु पनि शोकमुद्रामा थिए।

श्रद्धान्जलीका लागि चढाएका मालाले छोरीको लास पुरिइसकेको थियो। तैपनि बेलाबेला दाहाल तन्केर त्यतै हेर्दै थिए। दाहालले आफ्नी छोरी जाँदा आँसु थाम्न सकेनन्।

ज्ञानु केसीको बिहीबार बिहान पौने १२ बजे निधन भएको थियो। उनी १० वर्षयता स्तन क्यान्सरले पीडित थिइन्। उनलाई नेपालमात्र होइन, भारत र अमेरिका लगेर गरिएको उपचारले समेत निको पार्न सकेन।

पछिल्लो समय भारतमा उपचार गराइरहे पनि डाक्टरले रोग निको हुन नसक्ने भनेपछि नेपाल ल्याइएको थियो। नेपाल ल्याएपछि ज्ञानुलाई ओम अस्पतालमा डाक्टरहरुको निगरानीमा राखिएको थियो।

लामो समयसम्म अस्पतालमा राखिएकी उनलाई बुधबार बेलुका ओम अस्पतालबाट घर ल्याइएको थियो।

‘निकै पछि, बिहानभरि ठूलोबुवा, आमाहरु र दिदीहरु सपरिवार बसेर गफ गर्दै चिया खाइरहनु भएको थियो, अकस्मात दिदीलाई बिमारले च्यापेर अस्पताल लगिएको थियो, त्यहीँ दिदी बित्नुभयो,’ आर्यघाटमा आएकी दाहालकी भतिजीले भनिन्।

दाहालपुत्री ज्ञानुलाई श्रद्धान्जली दिन नेकपा माओवादीका अध्यक्ष मोहन वैद्य पनि आएका थिए। दाहाल बसेको पाटीको बेन्चमा दाहिने र देब्रेतिर मोहन वैद्य र बाबुराम भट्टराई शोकमुद्रामा बसेका थिए। पार्टी फुटेर टाढिएका उनीहरु शोकमा एकै ठाउँमा भेटिए।

एमाओवादी नेताहरु वर्षमान पुन, ओनसरी घर्ती, हिसिला यमी, टोपबहादुर रायमाझीलगायत नेताकार्यकर्ता र पत्रकारहरुको पनि बाक्लै भिड थियो।

अन्तिम दर्शनका लागि आर्यघाटको छेउमा राखिएकी ज्ञानुलाई चितामा राखेपछि हिन्दु संस्कार अनुसार उनका श्रीमान अर्जुन केसीले दागबत्ती दिएका थिए।

दागबत्ती दिएर फर्किँदै गर्दा दाहाललाई भेट्न एमाले नेता माधव नेपाल आर्यघाट पुगेका थिए।

अप्ठयारोमा फुलेको नेपाली क्रिकेट

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Chetan Pandey(चेतन पाण्डे द्वारा लेखित )- भनिन्छ, खेलकुद त्यस्तो क्षेत्र हो, जहाँ धनी–गरिब, कमजोर–बलिया बीच विभेद हुँदैन। सबै शानले एउटै मैदानमा उभिन्छन्। तर, क्रिकेटको हकमा सतप्रतिसत यो भनाइ लागू हुँदैन।

अन्य खेल निकायझैं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट परिषद् (आइसीसी) पनि रंगभेदी नीतिको कट्ट्र समर्थक हो। कुनै खेलाडीले अर्को खेलाडीको रंगका बारेका बोलेको खण्डमा मात्रै आइसीसीको कारवाही सामना गर्नु पर्छ। रंगका बारेमा उदार देखिए पनि आइसीसी कमजोर र बलियाका मामिलामा उदार छैन। आइसीसी चलाउन लगानी गर्नेको इशारामा यसले काम गर्छ, वर्षौदेखि लाग्दै आएको आरोप हो यो।

यथार्थ, यही हो। भारतीय क्रिकेट नियन्त्रण बोर्ड (बिसीसीआइ) आइसीसीको सबैभन्दा ठूलो लगानीकर्ता हो। भारतीय बजारले आइसीसीको हरेक निर्णयको नियन्त्रण गर्छ। आइसीसीले क्रिकेट प्रसारण अधिकारबाट अर्वौ डलर कमाउने गर्छ, त्यसको प्रमुख बजार भारत नै हो। अनि अरु केही मुलुक।

भारत अनि त्यसपछि केही अंशमा अस्ट्रेलिया, अक्षिण अफ्रिका र इंग्ल्यान्ड कै इशारामा आइसीसीको निर्णय प्रभावकारी बन्ने गर्छ।

ठूला मुलुकको हेपाहा प्रवृति नदेखिएको भए आज टि२० विश्व कपमा सानदार प्रदर्शन गरेपनि नेपाल यति चाँडै घर फकर्नु पर्ने थिएन। टिम नेपाल बंगलादेश उड्दा नै सबैलाई थाहा थियो, विश्व कपको हाम्रो यात्रा कहाँ टुंगिन्छ भन्ने।

टेस्ट खेल्ने भनिएका ठूला मुलुकहरुलाई एसोसियट मुलुकसँग खेलेर समय बर्बाद गर्न मन लागेन वा उनीहरुले चाहना देखाएनन्, आइसीसीले हामी जस्ता टोलीलाई दोस्रो दर्जामा राखिहाल्यो। आइसीसीले रंगभेदभन्दा पनि चित्त दुख्दो नियम बनायो, अनि नेपाल जस्ता टोलीलाई विश्व कपमा स्थान दिए जस्तो देखायो। अर्कोतर्फ टेलिभिजन प्रसारकले विज्ञापन बटुल्न नसक्ने खेलहरु कम गराउन बाध्य बनाएपछि पनि आइसीसीले विश्व कप जस्तो विशिष्ठ प्रतियोगितामा विभेदपूर्ण खेल तालिका बनायो। हाम्रा मुलुक जस्ता टोलीलाई लोप्पा ख्वायो।

वास्तवमा भन्ने हो भने नेपाल जस्ता मुलुकका लागि यो विश्व कप असली विश्व कप होइन। सधैं टिभीमा देखिइरहेका टेस्ट मुलुकका खेलाडीहरु विरुद्ध ब्याटिंग र बलिंग गर्न मात्र पाएका भए हाम्रा लागि त्यो वास्तवमा नै सपनाको विश्व कप हुन्थ्यो। हामीलाई आइसीसीले अति नराम्रोसँग झुक्कायो, जसरी एउटा सानो बालकलाई झुक्काएर मासु भनेर आलु ख्वाइन्छ।

आइसीसीले विभेदकारी नीति नबनाएको भए मनमा खालीपना बोकेर टिम नेपाल स्वदेश फर्कनु पर्दैन्थ्यो। हाम्रा खेलाडीहरु अझै केही दिन बंगाली रणभुमिमा डटिरहेका हुन्थ्ये, थप सुनौलो इतिहास कोरिरहेका हुन्थ्ये। तर, जति अवसर पाइयो, टिम नेपालले त्यसको भरपुर फाइदा उठायो।

हुन त, यो विश्व कपमा नेपालले आफूसँग खेलिरहने मुलुकहरुलाई नै हरायो। तर, नेपालले जुन मैदानमा जित दर्ता गरायो, त्यहाँबाट प्रभाव हुने सन्देशको महत्व बेग्लै हुन्छ। लामो समयदेखि नेपाललाई जितबाट बंन्चित गराइरहेको अफगानिस्तानलाई हराउनु विश्व कप यात्राको सबैभन्दा मिठो जित बन्यो।

नेपाली टोलीले आफ्ना केही कमजोरीमाथि जित पाउनसक्ने हो भने योभन्दा ठूला सफलता टाढा छैन, जस्तो लाग्न थालेको छ। नेपालको टि२० विश्व कपको सफल यात्रामा खेलाडीको अथक मेहनत त छदैछ, साथै प्रशिक्षक पुबुदु दसानायकेको योगदान पनि बिर्सन मिल्दैन।

विश्व कपमा सहभागिता जनाउनु मात्र होइन आफ्नो उपस्थितिलाई सम्झनलायक समेत बनाएको नेपाली क्रिकेटलाई अब विद्यमान संरचनामा नै अगाडि बढाउने भुल गर्नु हुँदैन। मरि सकेको क्लब क्रिकेटलाई अब फेरी ब्यँुताउनु त पर्छ नै प्रतियोगिता आयोजनामा पनि व्यापक सुधारको खाँचो छ। अनि टि२० को प्रिमियर लिग त हुनै पर्छ, त्यो पनि स्तरिय रुपमा।

सरकारले भौतिक पूर्वाधार तथा रंगशाला निर्माणमा चासो देखाइ सकेको छ। फलाम ताति सकेको छ, घनले हिर्काउन मात्र बाँकी छ। सम्बन्धित निकायले यो मौकालाई अवसर र चुनौतीका रुपमा लिनसक्यो भने मात्र समयमै रंगशाला बन्नेछ, अनि क्रिकेट विकासले गति पनि लिनेछ। मोफसलमा पनि क्रिकेट पूर्वाधार निर्माण हुनु पर्छ। नाम मात्रमा मोफसलमा नत्र पूर्णरुपमा काठमाडौंकै सेरोफेरोमा घुमिरहेको क्रिकेट विकेन्द्रित हुनै पर्छ। नत्र साँघुरो घेरामा बन्दि बनेको खण्डमा अब खोजिने नतिजा यो संरचनाको क्रिकेटले दिन सक्दैन।

स्तरिय विदेशी क्लब तथा राष्ट्रिय टोलीहरुसँग नियमित खेल्न पाएको खण्डमा पनि खेलाडीको स्तरमा व्यापक सुधार आउँछ नै, मनोबल पनि बढ्छ नै। यो विश्व कपमा हाम्रा ब्याट्सम्यानहरु लामो सट खेल्न केही असमर्थ देखिए। त्यसको एकमात्र कारण स्तरिय टोलीहरुसँग अभ्यासमा कमी नै हो। नेपाली ब्याट्म्यानहरु खुल्न सके भने लामो सट पनि खेल्न सक्छन् भन्ने त देखिएकै छ। यो विश्व कप टिम नेपालका लागि अनुभव संगाल्ने थलो बन्यो, अब क्यानले अनुभवहिन टिम नेपाललाई अनुभवी टोली बनाउन तर्फ ध्यान दिनु पर्छ। ठट्टै–ठट्टामा यति धेरै सफलता कमाइसकेको नेपाली क्रिकेट टोलीप्रति अब राज्य नै गम्भीर बन्नसक्नु पर्छ, नतिजा दिलाउँदा मात्र होइन।

साथै, अफगानिस्तानमाथिको रवाफिलो जितसँगै नेपालले स्वादिलो रुपमा विश्व कपको यात्रा टुंगायो। यसले हरेक नेपालीलाई गौरवान्वित त बनायो नै, यो विश्व कपमा टिम नेपालको प्रदर्शनले अन्य धेरै उपलब्धि पनि दिलाएको छ।
के तराई, के पहाड अनि के हिमाल। हरेक बलसँगै सबैको धड्कनको चाल एउटै रह्यो, सबैको तालीको लय एकै रह्यो, सबैको हात एकै पटक छातिमा पुग्यो, सबैको श्वास एकै पटक रोकियो। न जातियता, नतै संघीयता अनि कत कुनै भेदभाव सबैको चाहना एउटै थियो, नेपालको जित। क्रिकेट बुझ्ने त रमाए नै, नबुझ्ने पनि नेपालको जितमा हर्षविभोर बने। यसरी राज्य अनि हरेक जनतालाई एकआपसममा बाध्नसक्ने खेल क्षेत्रलाई वेवास्ता गर्न राज्यलाई कदापि सुहाउँदैन।
फेरी एक पटक सलाम गर्नै पर्छ, ति खेलाडीलाई जसले सारा नेपालीलाई खुशी हुने बहाना दिए। हामीलाई नेपाली हुन पाएकोमा गौरवान्वित बनाए। सलाम! कप्तान पारस खड्काको टोलीलाई।

श्रीमतीलाई बुई बोकी दौडने प्रतियोगिता हुने

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 बेलायतीहरुको सिको गर्दे  क्षेत्रीय होटल संघ तनहुँसँग आवद्ध होटल व्यवसायीहरुले श्रीमतीलाई बुई बोकी दौडने प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्ने भएका छन् ।

नयाँ वर्ष २०७१ को अवसर पारेर होटल व्यवसायीहरुले दमौलीमा प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्न लागेका हुन्। यस्तै किसिमको दौड प्रतियोगिता केही समय अगाडि बेलायतीहरुले लण्डनमा आयोजना गरेका थिए ।

आयोजक क्षेत्रीय होटल संघ तनहुँले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार दौड प्रतियोगिता १०० मिटर लामो रहने छ । प्रतियोगितामा ३० वर्ष माथिका श्रीमान् श्रीमतीले भाग लिन पाउने छन्।

महोत्सवमा नयाँ रौनकता थप्नका लागि यस किसिमको प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गरिएको आयोजकहरुले जनाएका छन् । श्रीमतीलाई बुई बोक्ने दौड प्रतियोगिताका अलावा नयाँ बर्षको अवसरमा दमौलीको  चोक चोकमा दोहोरी,चुट्का, पप ,घाटु, भजन र कन्र्सट समेत आयोजना गरिने आयोजकहरुको भनाई छ ।

‘२०७० साललाई विदाई गरौं,नयाँ बर्षलाई स्वागत गरौं’भन्ने नाराका साथ  पहिलो पटक नयाँ बर्ष महोत्सव आयोजना गरिएको क्षेत्रीय होटल संघ तनहुँका अध्यक्ष रत्नकुमार श्रेष्ठको भनाई रहेको छ । अध्यक्ष श्रेष्ठ राती १२ बजेर १ मिनेट जाँदा २०७१ सालको स्वागत गरिने बताउँछन् ।त्यसक्रममा बेलुन उडाएर ताली बजाईने अध्यक्ष श्रेष्ठको भनाई छ।

अध्यक्ष श्रेष्ठ दमौलीमा आयोजना गर्न लागिएको नयाँ बर्ष महोत्सव करिब एक लाख दर्शकले अवलोकन गर्ने अनुमान गरिएको बताउँछन् ।

ट्रकले किच्दाकिच्दै जन्मिएको बच्चा सुरक्षित, आमाबाबु परमधाम

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 यो तस्वीर ती चमत्कारिक बच्चाको हो, जसको गर्भवती आमालाई भयानक सडक दुर्घटनामा ट्रकले किचेको थियो । त्यस समय आमाको गर्भबाट निस्किएको यो बच्चा केही मिटर पर पुगेर बजारियो । तर, सुरक्षित रह्यो ।

घटना चीनको फुजियान प्रान्तको जियामैन शहरमा भएको हो । ४२ वर्षका माओ गर्भवती पत्नी वाङ झाउलाई सुत्केरी गराउन मोटरसाइकलमा अस्पताल लैजाँदै थिए । पत्नीलाई व्यथाले चापेपछि माओले एम्बुलेन्स कुर्नुभन्दा मोटरसाइकलमै कुदाएर अस्पताल पुर्‍याउन सही ठाने ।

तर, बाटोमा एक ट्रकले उनको मोटरसाइकललाई ठक्कर दियो र वाङ झाउलाई ट्रकले किच्यो । घटनाका क्रममा उनको पेटबाट उछिट्टिएको बच्चा झण्डै तीन मिटरपरसम्म पुग्यो । तर, बच्चालाई निधारमा समान्य चोट लाग्नु बाहेक केही भएन । बच्चाको तौल ९.२ पाउण्ड छ ।

दुर्घटनामा बाबुआमा गुमाएका बच्चाको नाम जियाओ झाओ राखिएको छ । प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरुले बताए अनुसार ट्रकले कुल्चिएकै बेला वाङ झाउले बच्चालाई जन्म दिएकी थिइन्  ।

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कुखुराको गुँडमा स्याल ओथारो बसेपछि …

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, March 25, 2014 | Posted in

झट्ट सुन्दा पत्याउन गाह्रो हुने यो खबर बेलायती शहर पोटर्समाउथको हो ।

पोटर्समाउथका स्कुले केटाकेटीहरुले कुखुराको गुडमा स्याल बसेको भेट्टाएका हुन् । कुखुरालाई लखेट्दा थाकेको स्याल उसकै गुडमा बसेको हुन सक्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । कारण जे सुकै होस्, ओथारो बसेको कुखुराले जसरी नै स्याल अण्डा स्याहारेर बसेको थियो ।

फ्लाइङ बुल प्राइमरी स्कुलका अफिस म्यानेजर जेन फ्रान्सले ब्रेकमा केटाकेटीहरुले देखेको आनौठो घटनालाई क्यामेरामा कैद गरेका थिए । ५७ वर्षका उनी भन्छन –‘कुखुरा स्याललाई विर्सिएर केही खुसी जस्तै देखिने गरी भुइमा डुलिरहेको थियो ।’उनका अनुसार स्याल कुखुराको गुडमा बसिरहेको देखेपछि विद्यार्थीहरु दौडिएर उनको कोठामा आएका थिए । ‘संयोगबस मेरो क्यामेरा डेक्समै थियो’ उनले भने ।

म्यानचेष्टर डर्बी भिडन्त आज

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चिरप्रतिद्वन्द्वी म्यानचेष्टर सिटीलाई ११ अंकले पछि पार्दै म्यानचेष्टर युनाइटेडले गत सिजन इंग्लिस प्रिमियर लिग उपाधि जितेको थियो । तर, १२ महिनापछि अहिले अवस्था निकै फरक छ । सिटी उपाधि होडमा छ भने युनाइटेड शीर्ष चारमा पर्न संघर्षरत छ ।

यस्तोमा म्यानचेष्टर डर्बी भिडन्त आज हुँदैछ । खेल नेपाली समय अनुसार साढे १ बजे युनाइटेडको घरेलु मैदान वल्र्ड ट्राफडमा हुनेछ ।

पछिल्लो पाँच भेटमा चार खेल सिटीले जितेको छ । जसमा गत सेप्टेम्बरमा घरेलु मैदान इत्तेहादमा हात पारेको ४-१ को जित पनि छ । वल्र्ड ट्राफडमा भएको पछिल्लो दुई म्यानचेष्टर डर्बी सिटीले नै जितेको थियो ।

तर, समग्रमा भने युनाइटेड अगाडि छ । उसले ६९ खेल जितेको छ भने सिटीले ४७ खेलमा विजयी भएको छ । ५० खेल भने बराबरीमा सकिएको छ ।

आज जित हात पारे म्यानचेष्टर सिटीको उपाधि होड बलियो हुनेछ । हारले भने युनाइटेडको शीर्ष चारमा पर्ने आश कायमै रहनेछ ।

सिटी २८ खेलबाट ६३ अंकका साथ तेस्रो स्थानमा छ । ३ खेल बढी खेलेका लिग लिडर चेल्सीको ६९ अंक छ र सिटीभन्दा ६ अंकले अगाडि छ । युनाइटेड भने ३० खेलबाट ५१ अंकका साथ सातौं स्थानमा छ ।

Nepal Vs Afganistan Match Report

Posted by Unknown | Friday, March 21, 2014 | Posted in ,

    Match Report: It was a clash of worldviews on display at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium on Thursday (March 20) and the gritty, never-say-die attitude of Nepal trumped the uber-confident boom or bust approach of Afghanistan. The result probably won’t mean much in terms of the ICC World Twenty20 2014, for Bangladesh seemed well on track to complete a clean sweep and head into the next round. But in the larger scheme of things, the hard-earned nine-run win meant that Nepal showed the world what rapid strides it had made in the game in a short period of time.

When Afghanistan won the toss and put Nepal in, there were signs that Mohammad Nabi believed he could bully the opposition a touch. Shapoor Zadran, who would be in the reckoning to make the cut in most full member teams, ran in with good rhythm, and Dawlat Zadran hurried the batsmen.

Sagar Pun and Subash Khakurel, attempting to grow into a steady partnership at the top of the order, played within themselves, content to play themselves in, even with the PowerPlay on. But Pun’s attempt to clear mid-off in the fourth over failed, and Nepal was 19 for 1.

Gyanendra Malla showed excellent urgency, attacking Samiullah Shenwari in the sixth over. A beautiful extra cover drive, all along the ground, a loft over a packed offside cordon and two monstrous mows over midwicket yielded an 18-run over and gave the Nepal innings the momentum it so badly needed. But, buoyed by his initial success Malla (22) attempted a reverse sweep when a safe single was on offer and popped a catch to short third-man.

Paras Khadka, who has been the backbone of Nepal’s batting in the tournament, attempted to go big, across the line, before he had the measure of conditions, and Mirwaiz Ashraf made a mess of the stumps. Its two most accomplished batsmen were back in the hut with only 53 on the board and 11 overs still to play, and Nepal was in trouble.

Khakurel bailed it out with a mature innings, building a partnership with a 76-run fourth-wicket stand in which Subash Vesawkar showed that his team was not solely dependent on a couple of players. Khakurel was not afraid to play out a few more dot balls than you usually see in a Twenty20 innings, and it was largely his 56 – the first half-century by a Nepal batsman at this level – that gave the innings substance. Khakurel may have consumed 53 balls in the process, striking at just over 103, but his effort meant that Afghanistan’s bowlers did not run roughshod over Nepal.

Vesawkar helped himself to a 32-ball 37, but once more Nepal failed to finish its innings strongly, and ended on 141 for 5, at least 20 runs short on a belter of a pitch.

Afghanistan began its innings in strange fashion, neither opener keen on singles. While Nepal’s bowlers lacked the zip and verve of its Afghan counterparts, they were more disciplined, and when this was backed up by plucky fielding, the boundaries were hard to come by. Karim Sadiq (8) and Mohammad Shahzad (6) swung at everything with gay abandon anyway, and it was no real surprise that both were dismissed cheaply.

With the openers gone in a hurry the natural thing to do for the middle order would have been to buckle down and get a partnership going, especially given that the target was not a massive one. But, Najibullah Zadran chipped one straight to mid-on, Nawroz Mangal was brilliantly caught by Khadka running back a long way towards square-leg and Nabi was trapped in front of the stumps as Afghanistan slumped to 50 for 5.

Shafiqullah used the same approach as those before him, but connected cleanly over and over again, slapping five fours and one monstrous six over square-leg for 36 before failing to keep a cut shot down off Basant Regmi.

When Afghanistan’s last recognised pair, Asghar Stanikzai and Samiullah Shenwari, came together, 59 runs were still needed, off only 35 balls. The two had no option but to be aggressive and Stanikzai got a move on, sending Shakti Gauchan deep into the stands over long-on. The equation was reduced to 30 off the final two overs, and Nepal desperately needed to break the partnership.

With only three runs coming off the first three balls of the penultimate over, Shenwari pulled out the big shot, but only managed to sky the ball back over the bowler’s head. Charging in from wide mid-off, Khadka pulled off his second stunner of the game, swinging the balance in his team’s favour.

When the final over began, with 24 still needed, all eyes were on Stanikzai. Booming shots off the first two balls brought boundaries at midwicket as Malla, running across from long-on failed to pull the ball back on both occasions. Sompal Kami, reading the batsman’s intentions, speared the third ball full, outside the off, and the batsmen managed to scramble two. The fourth ball was short, and disappeared once more, leaving 10 needed off two. Stanikzai’s luck ran out off the penultimate ball when he holed out to long-on, Malla making no mistake and ending a rousing innings on 49. When the final ball was sent down, Afghanistan ended on 132 for 8, 10 adrift of pulling off a major heist.(

Srilanka Vs West Indies Warm Up Match t-20 World Cup 2014

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, March 18, 2014 | Posted in

Watch Out Srilanka Vs Westindies LIVE Match Update Here. Click Here in the image to apper the LIVE UPDATE of the match

Upcoming matches in ICC t-20

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, March 16, 2014 | Posted in


    New Zealand vs Pakistan
    Match 9 at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium
    World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    17 March 2014
    09:30 GMT
    Zimbabwe vs Ireland
    Match 3 at Sylhet International Cricket Stadium
    World T20 2014
    17 March 2014
    09:30 GMT
    Sri Lanka vs India
    Match 10 at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium
    World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    17 March 2014
    13:30 GMT
    UAE vs Netherlands
    Match 4 at Sylhet International Cricket Stadium
    World T20 2014
    17 March 2014
    13:30 GMT
    England Women vs Pakistan Women
    Match 2 at BKSP
    Women's World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    18 March 2014
    03:30 GMT
    Australia Women vs Sri Lanka Women
    Match 1 at BKSP
    Women's World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    18 March 2014
    03:30 GMT
    West Indies Women vs South Africa Women
    Match 4 at BKSP
    Women's World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    18 March 2014
    07:30 GMT
    New Zealand Women vs India Women
    Match 3 at BKSP
    Women's World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    18 March 2014
    07:30 GMT
    West Indies vs England
    Match 11 at Khan Shaheb Osman Ali Stadium
    World T20 2014 Warm-up Matches
    18 March 2014
    09:30 GMT
    Afghanistan vs Hong Kong
    Match 5 at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium
    World T20 2014
    18 March 2014
    09:30 GMT
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UAE v Netherlands: No room for errors The experienced Netherlands side looks somewhat ragged but will pounce on any opportunity Aqib Javed’s boys provide

Posted by Unknown | | Posted in

Two teams at different ends of the developmental spectrum, one upwardly mobile and the other on a downward spiral, seek to begin their bid for higher honours in the undercard to the Zimbabwe-Ireland showdown in Sylhet on Monday (March 17).

United Arab Emirates is a first-timer at the ICC World Twenty20, having qualified as the fourth team from the qualifiers at home last November. The Netherlands, at one stage the torch-bearers of the associate nations, but who has now lost its One-Day International status after failing to qualify for next year’s 50-over World Cup, is struggling to live up to the lofty standards it has set for itself, comprehensively failing to fill the breach caused over the last three years by the non-availability of Ryan ten Doeschate, easily its best player for a long time now.

The winner of this Group B contest is far from assured of qualification, what with Zimbabwe and Ireland looming large; the vanquished will almost certainly play itself out. It’s against this backdrop that the Netherlands and UAE come face to face under lights in a contest that promises plenty.

UAE’s lack of experience at this level will be offset by the poor recent batting form of the Netherlands, coming into this game on the back of three consecutive defeats including in both warm-up games in Bangladesh. Having lost to Hong Kong in the UAE, it went down by 35 runs to Afghanistan on the Duckworth-Lewis method and was beaten by 27 runs by Hong Kong, both in Chittagong. In the second of those losses, the Netherlands managed just 100, much to the dismay of Peter Borren, its captain, who made his irritation known.

Borren must find ways beyond expressing his frustration in no uncertain terms if he is to rouse his team into action. Its top order is in a shambles – its last two scores read 86 and 100 – in ten Doeschate’s absence, and it needs Stephan Myburgh, Wesley Barresi and Cooper brothers Ben and Tom to embrace greater responsibility against a UAE side with nothing to lose.

This is UAE’s first global appearance since the 50-over World Cup in 1996, a turnaround effected by Aqib Javed, the former Pakistan paceman who has guided the Under-19 team to the World Cup, and the senior side to both the World Twenty20 and 50-over World Cup in Australia-New Zealand next year. The team is made up of semi-professionals; Khurram Khan, its captain, is a 42-year-old flight purser with Emirates, but he is also its best and most prolific batsman.

Aqib worked on instilling the importance of physical fitness on his players, a majority of whom hold day jobs. The moment the team got fitter, the results too followed. Now, UAE finds itself within three wins of rubbing shoulders with the likes of South Africa, Sri Lanka, England and New Zealand but, for now, it has no choice but to take it one match at a time.

Aqib’s shrewd brain will have taken note of the Netherlands’ vulnerability with the bat up front. He has the bowling resources to cash in on that weakness, with Kamran Shahzad, Amjad Javed and Manjula Guruge all capable of striking with the new ball, while Moaaz Qazi, at 18, is an exciting offspinner who picked up eight wickets in the Under-19 World Cup, also in UAE, last month.

If there is one thing UAE must guard against, it is a tendency to lapse into excitability and attempt to do too much with the bat too soon. Netherlands has the advantage of immense experience with several of the 15 having featured in the 2011 World Cup, and as poorly as it might be faring now, it will pounce on the slightest opening. UAE can ill afford any unforced mistakes if it is to make its World Twenty20 debut a successful one.

Teams (from)
The Netherlands: Peter Borren (capt), Wesley Barresi (wk), Mudassar Bukhari, Ben Cooper, Tom Cooper, Tom Heggleman, Ahsan Malik, Vivian Kingma, Stephan Myburgh, Michael Rippon, Pieter Seelaar, Michael Swart, Eric Szwarczynski, Logan van Beek, Timm van der Gugten.

UAE: Khurram Khan (capt), Ahmed Raza, Amjad Ali (wk), Amjad Javed, Faizan Asif, Manjula Guruge, Kamran Shazad, Moaaz Qazi, Swapnil Patil, Rohan Mustafa, Rohit Singh, Shaiman Anwar, Sharif Asadullah, Vikrant Shetty, Shadeep Silva.

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Nepal routs Hong Kong in one-sided affair ;Left-arm spinners Shakti Gauchan and Basant Regmi to the fore as Hong Kong is beaten by 80 runs

Posted by Unknown | | Posted in ,

Paras Khadka talks a good game of cricket, and he, along with ten of Nepal’s finest, walked the walk in their country’s debut match of the ICC World Twenty20 2014, wrapping up a historic and sparky win over Hong Kong. For a decade and a bit, Nepal waited patiently, and when the moment came, it seized it in some style, blowing away Hong Kong in an 80-run win in Chittagong on Sunday (March 16).

With Bangladesh shooting Afghanistan out on a dry turner in Mirpur to get the tournament off to the start home fans wanted, a festive crowd turned up at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium and got their money’s worth. Even in countries where fans are passionate about the game, it isn’t easy to draw big crowds for games between two neutral associates and when in excess of 10,000 cheered as one, it certainly made world cricket’s newest entrants feel welcome and wanted at the highest level.

When Jamie Atkinson, Hong Kong’s captain, won the toss, he did not need to think too much about putting Nepal in. A generous smattering of live grass on the pitch and the possibility of dew later in the evening prompted the move. While the thinking was sound, it did not quite factor in the determination of the Nepalis.

Subhash Khakurel and Sagar Pun showed no sign of nerves at the top of the order, even against the quality of Tanwir Afzal and Haseeb Amjad, two bowlers good enough to have played for Pakistan Under19. Khakurel was comfortable on front and back foot, a swiveling pull off Afzal early on setting the pace. Pun took a liking to the spinners, stepping down the pitch to loft 42-year-old debutant Najeeb Amar over cover off the first ball he bowled.

Hong Kong pulled things back after a brisk start with both openers being dismissed with the score on 36.

Khadka opened his account with a meaty slog sweep, and proved he was not a one-trick pony with an effortless lift over extra-cover. On 20, Khadka should have been back in the hut, but Afzal dropped the first of many catches for Hong Kong, grassing a sitter at long-on.
Once he had the opening, Khadka made the most of it, chancing his arm in the company of Gyanendra Malla, who endeavoured to keep his end solid. The two ran hard between the wickets – all those years of high-altitude living clearly making things easier at sea level – and before Hong Kong knew it, the game was slipping away.

When Khadka (41) holed out at long-on in the 17th over, Hong Kong was still in with a sniff, but Malla then took over, raining big blows. Malla (48) was one of four wickets to fall in an anticlimactic final over, but Nepal had done enough, putting 149 on the board.

Hong Kong needed a strong start, but it got anything but that as Khadka, bowling around the stumps to the right-handed Irfan Ahmed, struck off the first ball. Pushing forward, Irfan feathered an edge and Khakurel fumbled the ball but held on for dear life.

Sompal Kami, the youngest player to feature in this tournament at 18 years and 42 days, got a back of a length skidder to hurry Atkinson and a thick inside edge crashed on to the stumps. Waqas Barkat (18) played some muscular heaves through the on-side and Mark Chapman contemplated getting his eye in before teeing off, but Nepal’s bowlers, backed by vigilant in-fielding, kept the pressure on. Basant Regmi tossed one of his left-arm spinners up just enough to beat Chapman in the flight and when the stumps were disturbed, the chase was dead in the water at 58 for 4. That three more wickets fell on the same score, Nizakat Khan, Afzal and Aizaz Khan all falling for ducks, confirmed the rout.

Shakti Gauchan (3/9) and Regmi (3/14), showed just why left-arm spin is king in Bangladesh as Hong Kong imploded to 69 all out in 17 overs.

If this was the worst nightmare coming true for Hong Kong, a team that has strived over the years to show just what the smaller cricketing nations can do with the right help, it was nothing short of a fairytale for Nepal. Now that this is out of the way, the dreams of Khadka, his team-mates and their many staunch followers, will only get bigger and bigger

Nepal VS Hong KOng LIVE Update

Posted by Unknown | | Posted in


Run Rate: 7.45
Overs 20/20   


Hong Kong-58/4

Run Rate: 5.61
Overs 10.2/20

Match Details

Toss: Hong Kong, who chose to field

Venue: Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong

Umpires: Aleem Dar, Rod Tucker, Paul Reiffel, Sundaram Ravi

Referee: Javagal Srinath

    Nepal innings
    Powerplay: 44 runs, 2 wickets
    Nepal: 50 runs in 7.1 overs
    3rd Wicket: 50 runs in 47 balls (Gyanendra Malla 13, Paras Khadka 31)
    Nepal: 100 runs in 14.3 overs
    Innings Break: Nepal - 149/8 in 20 overs

Playing XI


1        Subash Khakurel (W)   
2        Sagar Pun
3        Gyanendra Malla
4        Paras Khadka (C)   
5        Binod Bhandari
6        Sharad Vesawkar
7        Naresh Budayair
8        Basant Regmi
9        Shakti Gauchan
10        Sompal Kami
11        Jitendra Mukhiya

Hong Kong

1        Waqas Barkat
2        Irfan Ahmed
3        Jamie Atkinson (C)(W)   
4        Babar Hayat
5        Mark Chapman
6        Nizakat Khan
7        Tanwir Afzal
8        Aizaz Khan
9        Najeeb Amar
10        Haseeb Amjad
11        Nadeem Ahmed  



B Regmi to M Chapman, 89.8 km/h good length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary
Over 10 (6 runs) HKG 52/3
B Hayat     20* (24)
M Chapman*     7* (9)

S Pun to B Hayat, 94.2 km/h good length on middle stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket
S Pun to B Hayat, no run, 93.0 km/h good length going down leg. He plays and misses
S Pun to M Chapman, 84.4 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
S Pun to B Hayat. He picks up a single straight down the ground
S Pun to M Chapman, 80.4 km/h good length outside off stump. He picks up a single through the covers
S Pun to B Hayat, 92.7 km/h good length on off stump. He picks up a single down to 3rd man
Over 9 (1 run) HKG 46/3
M Chapman     5* (7)
B Hayat*     16* (20)

S Gauchan to M Chapman, no run, 87.7 km/h short length just outside off stump. There is no run there
S Gauchan to M Chapman, no run, 83.8 km/h short length going down leg. There is no run there
S Gauchan to M Chapman, no run, 81.4 km/h good length on middle stump. He can't get that one off the square
S Gauchan to B Hayat, 91.7 km/h short length on middle stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
S Gauchan to B Hayat, no run, 94.8 km/h good length just outside off stump. He can't get that one off the square
S Gauchan to B Hayat, no run, 86.6 km/h good length on middle stump. There is no run there
Over 8 (7 runs) HKG 45/3
M Chapman     5* (4)
B Hayat*     15* (17)

S Pun to M Chapman, 78.0 km/h good length outside off stump. He picks up two backward of square on the off side
S Pun to M Chapman, no run, 87.7 km/h good length outside off stump. He plays and misses
S Pun to M Chapman, 79.3 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up two through the covers
S Pun to B Hayat, 83.2 km/h short length on off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
S Pun to M Chapman, 75.9 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
S Pun to B Hayat, 81.0 km/h short length on leg stump. He picks up a single down to fine leg
Over 7 (3 runs, 1 wicket) HKG 38/3
B Hayat*     13* (15)
M Chapman     0* (0)

S Gauchan to B Hayat, 90.2 km/h short length on middle stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
S Gauchan to B Hayat, no run, 87.5 km/h short length on off stump. He edges but survives

Wicket! Barkat comes down the track, goes inside out again but this time the timing is not there and Mukhiya is in from long off to take a simple catch!
S Gauchan to W Barkat, WICKET!!! W Barkat is out c Jitendra Mukhiya b Shakti Gauchan
S Gauchan to B Hayat, 91.9 km/h good length outside off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
S Gauchan to W Barkat, 84.7 km/h short length on middle stump. He defends
S Gauchan to W Barkat, no run, 89.9 km/h short length on leg stump. He defends
Over 6 (5 runs) HKG 35/2
B Hayat     11* (12)
W Barkat*     17* (16)

B Regmi to B Hayat, no run, 84.7 km/h good length going down leg. He plays and misses
B Regmi to W Barkat, 86.1 km/h good length on off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
B Regmi to W Barkat, no run, 89.3 km/h good length going down leg. He plays and misses
B Regmi to W Barkat, no run, 91.2 km/h short length on off stump. He can't get that one off the square
B Regmi to W Barkat, no run, 86.6 km/h good length on leg stump. He can't get that one off the square

Four! Delightful from Barkat, just eases the ball inside out over extra cover. Great footwork.
B Regmi to W Barkat, 81.7 km/h good length on leg stump. He hits a nice boundary through the covers
Over 5 (10 runs) HKG 30/2
B Hayat     11* (11)
W Barkat*     12* (11)

J Mukhiya to B Hayat, no run, 125.7 km/h good length outside off stump. He edges but survives
J Mukhiya to B Hayat, no run, 127.2 km/h short length outside off stump. Straight to the fielder

Four! Another huge swing from Hayat, this time he gets it over mid on and away for four more!
J Mukhiya to B Hayat, 123.6 km/h short length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through mid-wicket

Four! Huge slog across the line, Hayat connects and it flies away past square leg for four!
J Mukhiya to B Hayat, 125.2 km/h short length just outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through mid-wicket
J Mukhiya to B Hayat, 127.3 km/h short length just outside off stump. He picks up two through the covers
J Mukhiya to B Hayat, no run. He can't get that one off the square
Over 4 (6 runs) HKG 20/2
B Hayat*     1* (5)
W Barkat     12* (11)

S Kami to B Hayat, 135.9 km/h short length just outside off stump. He picks up a single backward of square on the off side
S Kami to B Hayat, no run, 137.0 km/h short length outside off stump. Straight to the fielder
S Kami to W Barkat, 131.0 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up a single backward of square on the off side
S Kami to W Barkat, no run, 132.4 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends
S Kami to W Barkat, no run, 132.4 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends

Four! Dear oh dear, shocking fielding from the man chasing back from mid on, slides to stop it and completely misses the pull back!
S Kami to W Barkat, 134.4 km/h full length on middle stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
Over 3 (5 runs) HKG 14/2
B Hayat     0* (3)
W Barkat*     7* (7)

P Khadka to B Hayat, no run, 94.7 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends
P Khadka to B Hayat, no run, 95.1 km/h good length outside off stump. He plays and misses
P Khadka to B Hayat, no run, 94.5 km/h short length just outside off stump. He goes hard at the ball, but straight to the fielder
P Khadka to W Barkat, 93.9 km/h short length on middle stump. He picks up a single down to fine leg

Four! Gorgeous shot, Barkat comes down the track and times the ball perfectly through cover!
P Khadka to W Barkat, 93.1 km/h good length just outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through the covers
P Khadka to W Barkat, no run, 89.0 km/h short length just outside off stump. Straight to the fielder
Over 2 (6 runs, 1 wicket) HKG 9/2
W Barkat*     2* (4)

Wicket! This one is not wide enough to cut, Atkinson takes it on and chops onto his stumps! Huge wicket for Nepal!
Over 2 (6 runs, 1 wicket) HKG 9/2
W Barkat*     2* (4)

S Kami to J Atkinson, WICKET!!! J Atkinson is out b Sompal Kami

Four! Short and wide, captain Atkinson cuts it over backward point for four!
S Kami to J Atkinson, 132.2 km/h short length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through the covers
S Kami to W Barkat, 135.3 km/h short length on leg stump. He defends
S Kami to W Barkat, no run, 132.6 km/h good length on off stump. He plays and misses
S Kami to W Barkat, no run, 125.8 km/h good length on middle stump. He defends

Sompal Kami has the ball at the other end
S Kami to J Atkinson, 125.9 km/h short length on middle stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
Over 1 (3 runs, 1 wicket) HKG 3/1
J Atkinson*     1* (4)
W Barkat     1* (1)

P Khadka to J Atkinson, 1 leg bye
P Khadka to W Barkat. He picks up a single through the covers
P Khadka to J Atkinson. He picks up a single through the covers
P Khadka to J Atkinson, no run. Straight to the fielder
P Khadka to J Atkinson, no run. There is no run there

Wicket! Khadka strikes first ball! The Nepalese captain gets a bit of extra bounce across Irfan and he gets a faint edge through to Khakurel who takes it standing up! What a start!
P Khadka to I Ahmed, WICKET!!! I Ahmed is out c Subash Khakurel b Paras Khadka

Here we go then, Irfan Ahmed and Waqas Barkat are out in the middle for Hong Kong, Paras Khadka has the ball

Paras Khadka and Gyanendra Malla put on a partnership of 80 and made good use of the true pace and bounce, but their side didn't have the stamina to finish big. Hong Kong will look to make the most of this and take the momentum from that final over into their chase. Join us soon for what should be a thrilling second half.

A battling display from both sides has set this match up as Nepal began strongly but Hong Kong pinned them back in the final stages, picking up four wickets in four balls in the last over.

Hong Kong requires 150 runs to win

Innings Break
Over 20 (9 runs, 4 wickets) NEP 149/8
B Regmi*     0* (0)

Wicket! Would you believe it, four wicket in four balls! Gauchan hits it virtually straight back to Amjad who fields the ball cleanly and turns to toss it into the non-striker's end for the run out!
H Amjad to S Gauchan, WICKET!!! S Gauchan is out run out (Haseeb Amjad)

Wicket! It's a team hat-trick as Budayair steps across his stumps to sweep but is undone by the pace and loses his off stump!
H Amjad to N Budayair, WICKET!!! N Budayair is out b Haseeb Amjad

Wicket! Vesawkar tries to scamper through for the run but the throw is whipped into Atkinson who does the rest!
H Amjad to S Vesawkar, WICKET!!! S Vesawkar is out run out (Aizaz Khan)

Wicket! There will be no half-century for Gyanendra Malla as he mis-times the pull shot and loops the ball back to Haseeb Amjad who runs forward to take the catch. A very useful innings nevertheless!
H Amjad to G Malla, WICKET!!! G Malla is out c & b Haseeb Amjad

Six! Malla goes after the full toss and blasts it high over mid-wicket for the first six of the match!
H Amjad to G Malla, 102.7 km/h short length on off stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket
H Amjad to G Malla, 127.7 km/h full toss going down leg. He hits a great shot, that has gone all the way straight down the ground
Over 19 (11 runs) NEP 140/4
S Vesawkar     13* (8)
G Malla*     42* (39)

Four! It's consecutive boundaries as Vesawkar leans back to open the bat and crashes the ball behind point.

Four! Vesawkar doesn't time it fully but gets enough on the shot to hit over cover and the ball bobbles to the fence.
Over 19 (11 runs) NEP 140/4
S Vesawkar     13* (8)
G Malla*     40* (38)

I Ahmed to S Vesawkar, 139.4 km/h full length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through the covers
I Ahmed to S Vesawkar, 132.2 km/h full length just outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary backward of square on the off side

Close! The throw is fired in from mid off but it's wayward and a direct hit would have done it.
I Ahmed to S Vesawkar, no run, 139.2 km/h full length outside off stump. He plays and misses
I Ahmed to G Malla, 100.2 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up a single through the covers
I Ahmed to S Vesawkar, 134.9 km/h full toss just outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
I Ahmed to G Malla, 133.3 km/h full length on off stump. He picks up a single

Irfan Ahmed comes on for the penultimate over.
I Ahmed to G Malla, 133.3 km/h full length on middle stump. He defends
Over 18 (5 runs, 1 wicket) NEP 129/4
S Vesawkar     4* (4)
G Malla*     38* (36)

N Ahmed to S Vesawkar, no run, 76.8 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends

The man in the deep races round and dives in time to cut off the four.
N Ahmed to S Vesawkar, 96.2 km/h full toss on off stump. He picks up two straight down the ground
N Ahmed to S Vesawkar, 96.3 km/h full toss on off stump. He picks up two straight down the ground
N Ahmed to S Vesawkar, no run, 83.4 km/h good length going down leg. He defends
N Ahmed to G Malla, 90.4 km/h full length on leg stump. He picks up a single

Wicket! Bhandari hacks at the pitched up delivery and sends the ball spiraling out to long on. Two men go for it but they manage to sort it out in the end and Waqas Barkat holds on!
N Ahmed to G Malla, 90.4 km/h full length on leg stump. He picks up a single backward of square on the leg side
N Ahmed to B Bhandari, WICKET!!! B Bhandari is out c Waqas Barkat b Nadeem Ahmed
Over 17 (10 runs, 1 wicket) NEP 124/3
B Bhandari*     1* (1)
G Malla     37* (35)

N Amar to B Bhandari, 77.4 km/h good length on middle stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
N Amar to G Malla, 83.2 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket

Four! A premeditated sweep is played to perfection by Malla and he chalks up his fourth boundary.
N Amar to G Malla, 106.2 km/h good length on off stump. He hits a nice boundary backward of square on the leg side

Close! Nepal continues to swing as Malla swipes across the line and the ball skies just inches wide of Amar.
N Amar to G Malla, 85.5 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket

Wicket! Khadka's luck is all used up as he tries to go big again but this time picks out long off.
N Amar to P Khadka, WICKET!!! P Khadka is out c Nizakat Khan b Najeeb Amar

Dropped! A mis-timed shot over top flies into the air but the man in the deep cannot take the catch over his shoulder.
N Amar to P Khadka, 79.0 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up two straight down the ground

Four overs remain and Nepal will look to tee off.
Over 16 (6 runs) NEP 114/2
P Khadka*     39* (35)
G Malla     30* (32)

H Amjad to P Khadka, 1 leg bye
H Amjad to G Malla, 123.7 km/h full toss just outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
H Amjad to P Khadka, 134.5 km/h full length on off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
H Amjad to P Khadka, 125.1 km/h short length just outside off stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket
H Amjad to P Khadka, no run, 123.6 km/h full length on middle stump. He defends
H Amjad to G Malla, 113.4 km/h short length just outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
Over 15 (14 runs) NEP 108/2
G Malla*     28* (30)
P Khadka     36* (31)

I Ahmed to G Malla, 132.2 km/h full length outside off stump. He picks up a single through the covers

A top edge skies out to third man but lands safely in front of him.

Four! Malla continues to hit cleanly as he slaps the wide delivery over mid-wicket and the ball tears away.
I Ahmed to G Malla, 134.5 km/h short length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
I Ahmed to G Malla, 133.6 km/h good length on middle stump. He picks up two backward of square on the off side

Four! Nepal brings up its 100 as Malla goes up and over cover for four.

The throw misses and Nepal grabs an extra run.
I Ahmed to G Malla, 135.1 km/h good length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
I Ahmed to G Malla, 135.8 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up two straight down the ground
I Ahmed to G Malla, no run, 135.0 km/h short length just outside off stump. Straight to the fielder

It's sprayed way outside off stump and the eighth wide of the innings is given.
I Ahmed to G Malla, no run, 135.0 km/h short length just outside off stump. He defends
I Ahmed to G Malla, Wide delivery
Over 14 (7 runs) NEP 94/2
P Khadka     36* (31)
G Malla*     15* (24)

N Ahmed to P Khadka, no run, 82.8 km/h good length outside off stump. He plays and misses

Four! Khadka meets the ball with the fall face of the bat and cracks it past long off for four.
N Ahmed to P Khadka, 98.4 km/h good length on off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
N Ahmed to G Malla, 78.9 km/h good length outside off stump. He picks up a single down to fine leg
N Ahmed to P Khadka, 102.8 km/h good length on leg stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
N Ahmed to G Malla, 77.7 km/h short length going down leg. He picks up a single through the covers
N Ahmed to G Malla, no run, 85.4 km/h short length going down leg. He plays and misses
Over 13 (11 runs) NEP 87/2
P Khadka     31* (28)
G Malla*     13* (21)

Four! Khadka hoiks it through the leg side and a misfield in the deep sees the ball wriggle through to the ropes to bring up the 50 partnership.
A Khan to P Khadka, 127.0 km/h full length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
A Khan to G Malla, 110.2 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up a single straight down the ground
A Khan to G Malla, no run, 132.9 km/h full toss outside off stump. He defends
A Khan to G Malla, no run, 125.7 km/h good length just outside off stump. He plays and misses
A Khan to G Malla, Wide delivery

Four! Malla opens up to whip the full delivery through mid-wicket for four to take the partnership to 45.
A Khan to G Malla, 127.6 km/h full length on middle stump. He hits a nice boundary through mid-wicket
A Khan to P Khadka, 124.9 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up a single through the covers

Aziz Khan returns to the attack.
Over 12 (6 runs) NEP 76/2
P Khadka*     26* (26)
G Malla     8* (17)

N Ahmed to P Khadka. He picks up a single straight down the ground
N Ahmed to G Malla, 82.4 km/h good length going down leg. He picks up a single through the covers
N Ahmed to P Khadka, 83.7 km/h good length going down leg. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
N Ahmed to P Khadka, 87.8 km/h good length on leg stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket
N Ahmed to G Malla, 75.1 km/h short length outside off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
N Ahmed to G Malla, no run. He plays and misses
Over 11 (10 runs) NEP 70/2
P Khadka     22* (23)
G Malla*     6* (14)

Dropped! Paras Khadka doesn't read the slower one and lofts the ball straight out to long but the man doesn't set himself and the chance goes down!
N Amar to P Khadka, no run, 90.3 km/h short length on middle stump. He defends
N Amar to P Khadka, 79.9 km/h short length on off stump. He picks up two straight down the ground

Four! Khadka frees his arms and smashes the wide delivery through the covers.
N Amar to P Khadka. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
N Amar to G Malla, 89.0 km/h short length just outside off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket

Hong Kong goes up for the lbw but the ball has come off the elbow first.
N Amar to P Khadka, 1 leg bye

Najeeb Amar tries it from the other end.
N Amar to P Khadka, 90.4 km/h short length on middle stump. He picks up two through mid-wicket

Wicket! Sagar Pun falls as he tries to go aerial but hits the shot flat and picks out Haseeb Amjad at mid off who takes a diving catch!
H Amjad to S Pun, WICKET!!! S Pun is out c Waqas Barkat b Haseeb Amjad
H Amjad to S Kakurel, 123.1 km/h good length on off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
H Amjad to S Kakurel, Wide delivery
H Amjad to S Kakurel, no run, 126.9 km/h short length outside off stump. He plays and misses

Four! Kaukrel swivels to banish the short ball over mid-wicket and Nepal continues to tick.
H Amjad to S Kakurel, 122.3 km/h short length outside off stump. He hits a nice boundary through mid-wicket
Over 4 (10 runs) NEP 30/0
S Pun     13* (12)
S Kakurel*     17* (12)

N Amar to S Pun, no run, 106.0 km/h full length going down leg. Straight to the fielder
N Amar to S Pun, no run, 80.5 km/h good length just outside off stump. He goes hard at the ball, but straight to the fielder

Four! The runs continue to flow for Nepal as Kakurel lifts the ball over cover and down to the fence.
N Amar to S Pun, 93.8 km/h good length on off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
N Amar to S Kakurel. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
N Amar to S Pun. He picks up a single

Four! It's dropped short and Pun comes down the track to crash the ball down to the long on boundary.
N Amar to S Pun. He picks up a single down to 3rd man
N Amar to S Pun, 93.3 km/h good length on off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground

Debutant Najeeb Amar comes on.
Over 3 (7 runs) NEP 20/0
S Kakurel     16* (11)
S Pun*     4* (7)

T Afzal to S Kakurel, no run, 120.2 km/h good length on off stump. He defends

Four! Afzal throws it down short and wide and Kakurel pulls sweetly behind square leg for four.
T Afzal to S Kakurel, 125.9 km/h short length on middle stump. He hits a nice boundary down to fine leg
T Afzal to S Pun, 122.6 km/h short length on leg stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
T Afzal to S Kakurel, 123.5 km/h short length on off stump. He picks up a single through mid-wicket
T Afzal to S Pun, 125.7 km/h good length just outside off stump. He picks up a single backward of square on the off side
T Afzal to S Pun, no run, 121.9 km/h good length just outside off stump. He plays and misses
Over 2 (5 runs) NEP 13/0
S Kakurel     11* (8)
S Pun*     2* (4)

Four! Kakurel whisks the ball off the stumps and away through mid-wicket for four.
Over 2 (5 runs) NEP 13/0
S Kakurel     11* (8)
S Pun*     2* (4)

H Amjad to S Kakurel. He hits a nice boundary through mid-wicket
H Amjad to S Kakurel, no run, 129.1 km/h good length just outside off stump. He plays and misses

A sharp bit of work at mid off almost brings a run out but the pair return home just in time.
H Amjad to S Kakurel, no run, 132.2 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends
H Amjad to S Kakurel, no run, 130.5 km/h full length outside off stump. He can't get that one off the square
H Amjad to S Pun, 130.5 km/h full length just outside off stump. He picks up a single down to 3rd man
H Amjad to S Pun, no run, 123.7 km/h good length just outside off stump. He defends

Haseeb Amjad shares the opening overs.
Over 1 (8 runs) NEP 8/0
S Kakurel     7* (4)
S Pun*     1* (2)

T Afzal to S Kakurel, no run, 125.3 km/h good length on off stump. He defends

Four! A wonderfully timed on drive from Pun brings the first boundary of the match.
T Afzal to S Kakurel, 128.5 km/h full length on off stump. He hits a nice boundary straight down the ground
T Afzal to S Kakurel, no run. He plays and misses
T Afzal to S Pun. He defends

One slip is in. The wicket is looking quite green.
T Afzal to S Pun, no run, 127.2 km/h good length on off stump. He defends
T Afzal to S Kakurel, 131.7 km/h full length on leg stump. He comes through for three through mid-wicket

It's time to kick off the second match of the opening day of WT20. Subash Kakurel and Sagar Pun will bat up top for Nepal. Tanwir Afzal will bowl the first over.

The teams step out for the anthems on a dry evening here in Chittagong.

Nepal's captain Paras Khadka thinks that the wicket shouldn't change much over the forty overs and his side are focused on amassing a big score.

At the toss, Hong Kong captain Jaime Atkinson said he chose to bowl because his side have had some good wins batting or bowling first, but they fancy chasing this evening.

Nepal: Kakurel (wk), Pun, Malla, Khadka*, Bhandari, Vesawkar, Budayair, Regmi, Gauchan, Kami, Mukhiya

Hong Kong: Barkat, I Ahmed, Atkinson* (wk), Hayat, Chapman, N Khan, Afzal, A Khan, Amar, Amjad, N Ahmed

Toss: Hong Kong wins the toss and fields

Preview: A day before the start of the ICC World Twenty20 2014, already heralded as a blockbuster by ubiquitous hoardings that welcome you at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka, a contrast unique to global tournaments of this kind unfolded. In Dhaka, a flurry of interviews and press conferences lifted the curtain, with the superstars of this blockbuster taking centre stage. Players from India, Pakistan and New Zealand fronted up, even as the hosts underwent its final practice session ahead of the first match, a game in which Bangladesh will hope to spark the tournament to life with a win over Afghanistan, who beat it recently in the Asia Cup.

While Dhaka enjoyed its time as the centre of the cricketing universe, the south-eastern port city of Chottogram, better known to the Western world as Chittagong, placidly prepared for its own start of the tournament. While little or no marketing material shouts out loud about the Nepal-Hong Kong match at the Zahur Ahmed Choudhury Stadium that will follow the tournament opener on Sunday (March 16), the match will be a huge one for the two teams in question.

Cricket has been played in Hong Kong since 1866, shortly after the British introduced the game to a predominantly Chinese island. Nepal, relative newcomers to the game, having first taken up the willow up in the Himalayas in 1996, has more to prove.

Leading the Nepal brigade is Paras Khadka, who dominated the qualifying tournament with both bat and ball. “I think we are here to present Nepal cricket in front of the whole world,” said Khadka upon arrival in Bangladesh. Nepal, who lost its warm-up matches to Ireland and the United Arab Emirates, has no choice but to come hard at the opposition in the first round. “It is a great opportunity for us. It is not like we have only qualified for this tournament and worked for three months. We have been playing for ten to 12 years with hard work and playing continuous cricket. We are here to compete and play to the best of our ability. If we play to our potential, things should be good for us.”

Nepal’s enemy is its own inexperience, not merely in terms of the age of its players — none of them has yet celebrated his 30th birthday – but also in terms of appearance in major events. Having risen to the top of the qualifiers in UAE late last year, the ICC World T20 2014 is Nepal’s first appearance at a global tournament.

If there is one similarity between Nepal, a landlocked mountain kingdom, and Hong Kong, a cosmopolitan island enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and the South China Sea, it is the place cricket holds in the minds of the public. Although the enthusiasm for the game is undeniable among those who play it against all odds, the sport struggles to hold its own against football in both countries. Hong Kong’s players have long lamented the lack of media attention to cricket back home, and this tournament provides a chance to focus the spotlight on the game.

While Nepal have chosen to empower youth in their campaign, Hong Kong have taken the road of pragmatism, recalling two veterans in Munir Dar (41) and Najeeb Amar (42), while still retaining a core of youngsters.

Dar, who is expected to play a pivotal role with the bat, cannot bowl because of problems with his action, but this is where Najeeb comes in, with his canny left-arm spin. It will be interesting to see if Kinchit Shah, who recently turned 18, gets picked to bowl his offbreaks alongside Najeeb, for the age gap between the two – a staggering 24 years – gives fresh meaning to the cricketing cliché of blending youth and experience.

Hong Kong goes into its match against Nepal on a high, having stunned much stronger Zimbabwe and Netherlands teams in its warm-up matches.

Even as the game’s superpowers polish strategies and prime its stars, a desperate struggle is set to unfold in Chittagong. For Nepal and Hong Kong, a rare chance beckons to put their respective countries on the cricketing world map.

Welcome to the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong, for Match 2 of ICC World Twenty20 2014 between Hong Kong and Nepal

ट्वान्टी २० विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा नेपालको यात्रा वास्तविक सपना, सफलता र ऐतिहासिक क्षण

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नेपालले आफ्नो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट इतिहासको १८ वर्षपछि आइतबार बंगलादेशको चित्तागोङस्थित जाहुर अहमद चौधरी स्टेडियममा ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट खेल्दैछ ।

नेपालका लागि अहिलेसम्मको ठूलो सफलता हो, ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट खेल्नु । यही प्रतियोगिताले नेपाललाई विश्वसामु चिनाउने अवसर समेत जुराउने छ ।

ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट माथिल्लो स्तरका राष्ट्रले  खेल्ने क्रिकेट हो र यसको सफलता नेपाललाई छोटो खेल इतिहासमै जुरेको छ । अर्को अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट ‘एकदिवसीय क्रिकेट’को नजिक पुगे पनि नेपाल त्यसका लागि छनोट हुन असफल भएको थियो ।

आइतबार नेपालले  चिरप्रतिद्वन्दी हङकसँग खेल्दैछ र नेपालको परीक्षा त्यही खेलबाट सुरु हुनेछ । गएको नोभेम्बरमा युएईमा भएको ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप छनोटको प्लेअपमा नेपालले हङकङलाई नै पराजीत गर्दै ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेटको यात्रा तय गरेको थियो । आइतबारको खेलमा नेपालले त्यही खेललाई निरन्तरता दिँदै विश्वकप यात्रालाई अझ मजबुद बनाउन प्रयास गर्ने छ ।

तर, गएको जनवरीमा नै भएको एक दिवसीय विश्वकप क्रिकेटको छनोटमा हङकङले नेपालललाई १० विकेटले पराजित गरेको थियो । नेपाललाई पराजित गर्दै हङकङले एकदिवसीय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेटको मान्यता पाइसकेको छ । पछिल्लो समय हङकङले सुधारिएको प्रदर्शन गर्दै आइरहेको छ भने नेपालको खेलको स्तर केही खस्किएको छ ।

विश्वकपको ६ वर्षे यात्रा

ट्वान्टी-ट्वान्टी क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता खेल्न थालेको ६ वर्षपछि नै नेपाल विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा छनोट हुन सफल भएको हो । सन् २००७ मा कुवेतमा भएको एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी कपबाट नेपालले औपचारिकरुपमा ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी क्रिकेट खेल्न थालेको हो । त्यसपछि सन् २००९ मा युईमा भएको एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी कपमा पनि नेपालले सहभागिता जनाएको थियो । तर, त्यतिवेला पनि नेपालले अपेक्षा गरेअनुसारको प्रदर्शन गर्न नसक्दा समूह चरण नै पार गर्न सकेन ।

नेपालले सन् २००९ को एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टीमा मलेसिया, युएई, ओमानसँग पराजित भएको थियो । नेपालका लागि ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट प्रवेश गर्न पनि एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी कपमा फड्को मार्नु आवश्यक थियो ।

सन् २०११ मा नेपालले एक अर्थमा त्यो फड्को मार्‍यो । नेपालको त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यलायको मैदानमा भएको खेलामा नेपाल सेमिफाइनल पुग्यो । त्यतिवेला नेपाल युएईलाई पछि पार्दै सेमिफाइनल पुग्यो र त्योसँगै ट्वान्टी-ट्वान्टी विश्वकपका लागि छनोट भयो ।

त्यसपछि नेपाललाई अर्को चुनौती थियो एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी क्रिकेटकै । सन् २०१३ मा पुन काठमाडौमै भएको एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी कप क्रिकेटमा पनि नेपालले अझ सुधारिएको प्रदर्शन गर्‍यो । युएईलाई पराजित गर्दै नेपाल चौथो प्रयासमा सन् २०१३ मा एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी कप क्रिकेटको फाइनलमा पुग्यो ।

तर फाइनलमा भने नेपालले अफगानिस्तानसँग हार व्यहोर्दै दोस्रो स्थानमै चित्त बुझाउन पुग्यो । एकपछि अर्को सफलता हात पार्दै आएको नेपालले ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप छनोट क्रिकेट खेल्न युएई पुग्यो । नेदरल्याण्ड्स, स्कटल्याड्स, केन्या, पपुवा न्युगिनी, बर्मुडा, डेनमार्क, अफगानिस्तानजस्ता बलिया टोलीसँग खेल्नु पर्ने र विश्वकप क्रिकेटका लागि बाटो खुलाउन सहज थिएन नेपाललाई ।

नेपालले अफगानिस्तान, नेदरल्याण्ड्स र स्कटल्याण्डविरुद्धको खेलमात्रै गुमायो अन्य खेलमा जीत हात पार्‍यो ।  नेपालले त्यसबेला प्लेअपमा हङकङलाई नै हराउँदै ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी क्रिकेटका लागि छनोट भएको हो ।

तेस्रो एसीसी ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी क्रिकेट कप अघि नेपाली टोली सम्हाल्न आएको हुन्  श्रीलंकाली मुलका क्यानेडेली प्रशिक्षक पुबुदु दसानायके । उनी प्रशिक्षक भएर नेपाल आएपछि नेपालले क्रिकेटमा राम्रो प्रगति गरिरहेको छ ।

सपना सार्थक बनाउने मौका

बंगलादेशको चित्तागोङस्थित जाहुर अहमद चौधरी स्टेडियममा आइतबार साँझ सवा ७ बजे सुरु हुने विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा नेपालले हङकङसँग प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्दैछ । नेपालले आफ्नो पहिलो खेलमा जीत हात पार्दै अघि बढ्ने योजनाका साथ मैदान उत्रिदैछ ।

ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता खेल्न थालेको ६ वर्षपछि पाएको यो उच्च सफलतालाई कायम राख्न नेपाली टोलीलाई बंगलादेशलगायत देश बाहिर रहेका नेपालीहरु तथा नेपालमै रहेका नेपालीहरुको बलियो साथ छ ।

सारा नेपालीले प्रतिक्षा गरेको त्यो सुनौलो दिन, सुनौलो प्रतियोगिता हो यो ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट । कप्तान पारस खड्का टसका लागि मैदान प्रवेश गरेसँगै नेपाल ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट खेल्ने १७ औँ राष्ट्र बन्ने छ ।

यसपटकको विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा १६ टोलीको सहभागिता रहेको छ भने ८ देशले प्रारम्भीक चरण खेल्दैछन् । नेपाल, बंगलादेशसँगै अफगानिस्तान र हङकङ रहेको समूह ए मा छ भने समूह बीमा युएई, नेदरल्याण्ड्स, जिम्बाबे र आयरल्याण्ड छन् ।

एक दिवसीय क्रिकेटमा प्रवेश गर्न असफल भएको पीडा नेपाली टोली र नेपालसँग छ । त्यो पीडालाई बिर्साउने पनि यो मौका हुनेछ । एक दिवसीय क्रिकेटका लागि भएको छनोट खेलमा खराब प्रदर्शनका पछाडि प्रमुख खेलाडी चोटमुक्त हुन नसक्नु नै थियो ।

नेपालले ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिताका लागि मैदान उत्रिनुअघि बंगलादेशमा खेलेका अभ्यास खेलमा युएई र आयरल्याण्डसँग पराजित भएको थियो ।

यही पराजयलाई हौसलामा बदल्दै ट्वान्टी ट्वान्टी विश्वकप क्रिकेटमा सुधारिएको प्रदर्शन गर्दै विजयी हात पार्दै अन्तराष्ट्रिय क्रिकेटमा नेपाललाई चिनाउने अवसर हुनेछ ।   बंगलादेशमामा जित हात पार्दै अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगितामा प्रवेश गर्न सके नेपाली क्रिकेटका लागि ठूलो सफलता हुनेछ ।

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